Oak Meadows Stables
Oak Meadows Stables

A Place to Play, Ride, & Learn

Oak Meadows Stables is a positive, family environment that embraces the principles of natural horsemanship. We believe that communication and understanding are the tools to develop a healthy partnership between horses and humans. We offer a place to play, ride, and learn with other travelers on the journey toward a rich and rewarding partnership. Lessons and support are available, whether you have a horse partner already or are choosing a partner for the first time.

  • 10x12 box stall in a boarder-only barn with parking, lights, and tack room

  • Fans for the summertime

  • Horses blanketed when needed

  • Mares and Geldings kept separate during turnout

  • Daily feeding and pasture time

  • Top quality hay and feed custom suited to your horse's nutritional needs

  • Friendly, knowledgeable staff

  • Access to our facilities

  • Large lighted Improved footing arena.

  • Large lighted multiuse arena with obstacles

  • 50x100 indoor lighted arena

  • Two 55 ft round pens

  • 2 outside wash racks with overhead water

  • Obstacles such as Teeter Totter, Barrels, Poles, Jumps, Bridges, Tires, and many others all on 33 acres!

  • Owner on the property, security monitoring, locked gated access, separate entrances.

  • We offer pasture boarding which includes bringing the horses into the school barn for their custom feed. We provide Hay in the pasture during winter months. You will have full access to facilities and staff.  To view updated pricing and more details please download the Boarding Agreement 2024.  New boarding ageements are required for 2024..

    Boarding and Barn Manager;  Aleda Richards  256-476-8360

    Owner;   Leah Imsand  256-783-7695

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